The Diocesan Tribunal has completed the first phase of  beatification process of the seminarist Ján Havlik.  He was a martyr of the twentieth century who lived a holy life, was gifted with words and had a deep Marian devotion.  At the same time he was persevering in his prayer and, in fact, loved prayer.  In 2013 the Congregation of the Mission began an investigation into his martyrdom.

After four years and eight months of investigation, the Diocesan Tribunal officially concluded the first phrase of the beatification process during a public meeting which took place on February 24th, 2018 in the parish of Saint Vincent de Paul (Bratislava, Ružinov).

Ján Havlik, was a seminarist in the Congregation and was born in Dubovce, Slovakia on February 12, 1928.  He completed his secondary education in 1949 in Banska Bystrika.  On October 29th, 1951 he, together with other seminarists of the Congregation, was arrested in the city of Nitra.  During the next sixteen months he was tortured by the State Police and was sentenced to ten years in prison.  During the time of his imprisonment, Ián was able to distribute religious literature which prolonged his sentence for another year.  During that same time he was often interrogated, tortured and placed in solitary confinement.  Through all his suffering Ián acted in a most courageous manner.  He was brought to the forced labor camp of Rovno Jáchymov where he labored in the uranium mines.  The final stage of his imprisonment was done in Valdice.  In October 1962 he was released from prison but because of his weakened health that was caused by both physical suffering and psychological stress, he died on December 27th, 1965.

On June 9th, 2013 the diocesan investigation into his martyrdom was begun.  After sealing with wax and the official seal of the Office of the Archbishop of Bratislava, the documents concerning the witness of his life, historical records and medical evaluation were sent to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in the Vatican.

Father Emil Hoffmann, CM, Secretary of the Province of Slovakia and Vice-Postulator of the cause, was sent to the Vatican with the above referenced documentation.  He was accompanied by Ms Danka Mikulova, Mayor of Dubovce and MS. Katarína Ondrušová, Assistant to the Mayor of Dubovce.

The Congregation of the Mission now rejoices and the seminarist, Ján becomes a model and an inspiration for those young men and women who desire to live their missionary vocation in service of those people who are poor, thus, following in the footsteps of Saint Vincent de Paul.



Charles T. Plock, CM

Eastern Province, CM