To all young people who read us a message for them and their spiritual discernment!

Vincentian vocational call

If you feel in your heart the desire to make a difference in the world and to live a life full of meaning, seriously consider the possibility of entering the Congregation of the Mission. The call to serve the poor and marginalized is one of the noblest you can receive, and your vocation could be the answer to the needs of many.

Saint Vincent de Paul teaches us that “the poor are our teachers.” Let this truth illuminate your path. Join a community of brothers who share your faith and commitment and discover how you can grow spiritually, develop new skills, and make a lasting impact on the lives of others.

Do not let doubt hold you back. Take the first step today towards a life of service, love, and growth. Contact the Congregation of the Mission to explore this extraordinary opportunity. Your journey as a Vincentian missionary could be the most rewarding choice you have ever made.

If you find yourself at a crossroads and are seeking to discern your vocation, we invite you to join us in a novena of prayer to ask for light and guidance from the Lord. We propose that you recite the following vocational discernment prayer every day for nine days. May it be a moment of intimacy with God to listen to His voice and let yourself be guided by His love and wisdom.

Vocational Discernment Prayer

Lord God, source of all wisdom and love,
illuminate my heart and mind
as I seek to discern Your will for my life.
Grant me the grace to hear Your voice
in the silence of prayer and the needs of the world.

Guide me with Your divine light,
so that I may understand if the call to the Congregation of the Mission
is the path You have prepared for me.
Give strength and courage to my spirit,
so that I may respond with generosity and confidence.

Saint Vincent de Paul, intercede for me,
so that I may follow your example of service and love for the poor.
May I be a faithful witness of Your mercy
with all my heart, my soul, and my life.


Girolamo Grammatico
Communication Office

Here are 10 reasons why a young person should join the Mission Congregation as a Vincentian missionary