Put on the Spirit of Jesus Christ

 4th Centenary of Foundation of CM

Celebrate the 400th anniversary of the founding of our “Little Company”

Dear confreres, let these first three years leading us to the 400th Anniversary of our “Little Company” be for each one of us a time of conversion, of renewal, of returning with utmost fire to our “First Love – Jesus,” so that, following the inspirations of Saint Vincent de Paul, we may all become “Mystics of Charity” in the 21st century and beyond.
From 2023 to 2025, we will focus on the first point of the Final Document of the General Assembly: SPIRITUALITY. From 2025 to the next General Assembly to be held in 2028, our attention will be focused on the last four points of the Final Document by proceeding by the method: see, judge and act.

Working Documents

Download the necessary documents for these three years


Opening Rite of the 4th Centennial Celebrations


Examination of Conscience


The 400-year celebration program


Reflection to Begin the Preparation for the Celebration of the 4th Centenary of the Foundation of the CM

Theme of the May 2023 retreat

Vincentian spirituality: a missionary, synodal, and prophetic spirituality

“Hands for Bread” Farì

With Pope and Fr Mavrič, Cm towards the Jubilee

Reflection by Fr. Salvatore Farì, Director of the Office of Communication

Theme of the June 2023 retreat

Vincentian spirituality,
a missionary



In its vocational-prophetic-synodal-missionary dimensions

Theme of the July 2023 retreat

Vincentian spirituality,
a synodal spirituality

Theme of the august 2023 retreat

Vincentian spirituality,
a prophetic spirituality

Saint Vincent de Paul

So then, my fathers and brothers, our lot is the poor, the poor: Pauperibus evangelizare misit me. What joy, fathers, what joy! To do that for which our Lord came from heaven to earth, and by which we shall go from earth to heaven! To continue the work of God, who fled from the cities and went to the countryside in search of the poor!

Opening Caelebration 4th Centenary Congregation of the Mission