Mission in Malawi

Mission in Malawi

Our newly opened Sunuzi parish in Malawi, has an out-church in the name Bandawe. This out-church has many Catholics who pray every Sunday at their village, which is seven kilometers away from Sunuzi. It has nearly 230 families whose long-cherished dream is to have...
The CIF Brothers Meeting is suspended

The CIF Brothers Meeting is suspended

Dear Confrere:  Together with the Team that works to promote the Brothers, we decided to suspend the CIF Meeting for the Brothers of the CM, planned for the month of October. We came to this painful decision by seeing the very low number of Brothers enrolled. With...
Election of the Superior General

Election of the Superior General

July 2, 2022 … Good Morning!   Today began with the knowledge that a new superior general would be elected. Those in their room recovering from COVID will likewise engage in this process. The celebration of the Eucharist was presided by our confreres from India....