Cardinal Berhaneyesus, C.M. promotes family

His Eminence Cardinal Berhaneyesus, C.M., Metropolitan Archbishop of Addis Ababa, President of CBCE and AMECEA Chairman has called on parents to be a primary and reliable means of information for their children. He said that this post modern era is a challenging time...

Is this a creed you can live?

Alexander Correa, CM offers “A Vincentian Creed”  Is this a creed you can live? [Found on famvin] I BELIEVE in God, the Lord of history who is and who comes; I BELIEVE in Jesus Christ, the Lord of life, who gave Himself for me, for you, for all without...

NUNTIA April 2017

Meeting of the CEVIM in Fatima 3 The Missions of Bolivia, Chile and Peru 4 The International Mission of Tunisia 6 Tanzania Region 8 East Java Catholics mourn Father Paul Hendrikus Janssen 9 The Heart of Saint Vincent de Paul at Vichy 10 Saint Vincent de Paul’s heart...

A woman called Louise

Fr. Mizael Donizetti Poggioli, CM reflects on “A woman called Louise”… I remember a woman named Louise deMarillac. For those who know something about her life, they understand that her life is a great story of putting experiences into perspective....

The Louise many do not know

It has only been in recent years that we have come to know much more about St. Louise de Marillac. As we celebrate the recently moved feast of St. Louise, VinFormation has provided a list of easily accessible resources which provide a window on this new research....