Love is Inventive to Infinity

Love is Inventive to Infinity

Rolando Gutiérrez, CM, Vice-Province of Costa Rica, continues his Jubilee Year reflections with his October 2017 thoughts on  Love is Inventive to Infinity Reflection: October 2017: Love is Inventive to Infinity [1] A time to understand Few words of Vincent de Paul...
Beatification of 60 martyrs – Spanish language videos

Beatification of 60 martyrs – Spanish language videos

The Spanish language site of CMGLOBAL has posted beautiful Spanish language videos of the beatification of the 60 martyrs of the Vincentian Family. The entire program organized by the Preparatory Commission for the beatification of the 60 martyrs of the Vincentian...

Tempo Forte October 1-6, 2017

The minutes of the Tempo Forte October 1-6, 2017 are now online. Circular – Tempo Forte 1-6 October 2017 (TEMPO_FORTE-Oct-ENG PDF – Tempo Forte Oct Eng  Word) One must be firm and unchanging with regard to the end  but gentle and humble as to the means. (Letter...