Young people, Vincent and his 5 virtues

A church characterized by the five virtues of Vincent de Paul might appeal to millennials and “nones”. “Millennials, Vincent and his 5 virtues” is a cross post of a reflection I originally wrote for FamVin which reflects studies of American...

CIF Vincentian Heritage Program Fall 2017

Andres Motto of the Province of Argentina and Director of CIF writes… Dear Brothers, May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ always accompany us! Allow me to make a new invitation to the monthly CIF course dedicated to priests and brothers from the 20 years of...

Asia Pacific Regional Formators Meeting (APRF)

Asia Pacific Regional Formators Meeting (APRF) Prigen, Indonesia June 12-18, 2017 One of the important initiatives of APVC is Asia-Pacific Regional Formators Meeting (APRF). To enable formators in Asia-Pacific Region to know and help each other, while at the same time...