Build your collection of Vincent eBooks

Build your collection of eBook resources for the Feast of Vincent Each of the following titles in available from VinFormation simply by clicking on the link. (In most case you will also be able to download the material in a variety of formats.) Vincent de Paul and...

CM Martyrs of the French Revolution

Louis-Joseph François, Jean-Henri Gruyer, Pierre-René Rogue were martyred during the French Revolution. In October 2005, the Congregation for Divine Worship added John Charles Caron and Nicholas Colin to the feast entitled: “Memorial of Blessed Louis Joseph François...

Ghebre-Michael: a different VIncentian blessed

Ghebre-Michael, whose feast occurs August 30, differs in three ways from the other canonised and beatified members of our Congregation: First, he was African, not European; second, he was not a born Catholic, but an adult convert; and third, he was not actually a...