Vincentiana 2017 – N. 3

Vincentiana 2017 – N. 3 Introduction, Editor’s Note/ Letter of the Holy Father Francis to the Vincentian Family for the Feast of Saint Vincent de Paul/ 400th Prayer, Alvaro Mauricio Fernández, CM  Circular for the Feast of Saint Vincent de Paul, General Curia...
Love is Inventive to Infinity

Love is Inventive to Infinity

Rolando Gutiérrez, CM, Vice-Province of Costa Rica, continues his Jubilee Year reflections with his October 2017 thoughts on  Love is Inventive to Infinity Reflection: October 2017: Love is Inventive to Infinity [1] A time to understand Few words of Vincent de Paul...

Reflection: September 2017 In the Arms of Providence

Jubilee Year on the Occasion of the 400th Anniversary of the Origin of the Vincentian Charism Rolando Gutiérrez, CM Vice-Province of Costa Rica invites us to reflect on being in the arms of Providence. [1] A time to understand Reflection: September 2017 In the Arms of...

Turn the Medal Over – Reflection: August 2017 

Reflection: August 2017 Turn the Medal Over Fr. Rolando Gutiérrez, CM, Vice-Province of Costa Rica, continues his monthly reflections.   [1] A time to understand As we enter into the eighth month of this Jubilee Year during which time we celebrate the four...

Vocations and Formation

Father Rolando Gutiérrez, CM of the Vice-Province of Costa Rica writes of “Vocations and Formation – Commentary on the Letters of the Superior General” From the time of his election as Superior General at the XLII General Assembly of the Congregation...