- A Faithful and Faith-filled Shepherd, G. Gregory Gay, C.M.
- A Jesuit Pope, Latin American and New Directions of the Church, Éli Chavez dos Santos, C.M.
- Jorge Mario Bergoglio – “Our” New Pope Francisco, Fabiano Spisla, C.M.
- He took the name Francis, but. .., Gustavo M. Gonzalez, C.M.
- “Submit to the Holy Spirit. .. and go forward”: Superior Generai Joins Pope Francis for Mass, John T. Maher, C.M.
- From the Editor, John T. Maher, C.M.
- Tempo Forte Meeting Summary, G. Gregory Gay, C.M.
- Superior General Announces Two Curial Appointments, G. Gregory Gay, C.M.
- The Call to a New Evangelization, Robert P. Maloney, C.M.
- Frederic Ozanam as a Model for Today’s Youth, John T. Maher, C.M.
- The Family: The ‘Other’ Ozanam Legacy, Ronald W. Ramson, C.M.
- Frederic Ozanam, Grand Apologist of the Faith in the 19th Century, Teodoro Barquin, C.M.
- Pioneer and Prophet: Frédéric Ozanam’s Influence on Modern Catholic Social Theory, Thomas O’Brien, Ph.D.