Vincentian NGO to the UN

( ) Sharing the work of our representative at the UN. Fr. Joseph P. Foley, C.M. , NGO representative at the UN, participated in three key events: the 43 rd Commission for Social Development; a briefing at the UN on the ethics of Sustainable Development,...

International Missions

Sharing moments of sadness. On 14 March, Fr. Józef Kapuściak, C.M. , Vicar General , participated at the funeral of Fr. Franc Pavlić, C.M. , Superior of the International Mission of El Alto (Bolivia) in Ljubljana (Slovenia) . The Mass, presided by Msgr. Anton Stres,...

Treasurer General

Workshop for Provincial Treasurers. Frs. Cyril Mbata, C.M. ( Vice-Province of Nigeria ), Davis Kachappilly, C.M. ( Province of South India ) and Ferdinand Labitag, C.M. ( Province of China ) participated in the Workshop for Provincial Treasurers, held in Rome from...

Tempo Forte

General Council in tempo forte. The General Council met from 7-11 March in a tempo forte session. It approved the 2004 Financial Report, presented by Fr. Elmer Bauer III, C.M., Treasurer General. It studied various reports: from Fr. Giuseppe Guerra, C.M., Postulator...

Holy See: Vincentian Missionary named Bishop

( ) Vincentian Missionary named Bishop.  The Holy Father , named Fr. Luis Solé Fa, C.M. , pastor and Episcopal Vicar of the Vicariate of the Mosquitia (Diocese of Trujillo) as Bishop of Trujillo (Department of Colón y Gracias a Dios,...