Nuntia March 2021

Nuntia March 2021

All her life my mother worked in a school run by the Daughters of Charity and therefore my siblings and I always went to that school. I met many sisters there and I think each one of them marked part of my life in some way. In high school, a time of criticism and...
New Priests in Fiji

New Priests in Fiji

Our ordination preparation committee made up of Natovians and majority Nausorians with Cm reps started working since November 2020.  The logistics is always the challenging bit amidst all the COVID 19 restrictions. The not knowing what will happen next was always the...
Nuntia February 2021

Nuntia February 2021

WE HAVE BEEN LEFT WITHOUT CARNIVAL… Two years ago I participated in the Carnival in the north of Argentina. It was a party atmosphere with typical dresses and an environment full of joy. People painted each other’s faces with colors and gradually formed a mask...
The little Big Woman

The little Big Woman

There are innumerable women who shaped our history, those who with their words, their silences, their strength or their sensibilities were showing us the maternal face of God. Women who taught entire towns to walk or took in their arms so many children wounded by sin....