General Assembly: On-line Library

General Assembly: On-line Library

The Congregation of the Mission continues to move forward toward the XLIII General Assembly which will take place in Rome during the year of 2022. Therefore, all the provinces, vice-provinces, regions will hold their Domestic Assemblies and Provincial Assembles before...
September issue of NUNTIA is available

September issue of NUNTIA is available

September was a month filled with many Vincentian activities around the world and in all branches of the Vincentian Family. We want to highlight an event that highlighted that month and it was the First Virtual Meeting of Vocational Ministry Directors and we wanted to...
I Vocational Ministry Virtual Meeting

I Vocational Ministry Virtual Meeting

More than 80 confreres met on Saturday, 19 September, at 5 pm in Rome to share experiences of Vocational Ministry, generate reflection, and propose ways to energize the Vocational Culture in the Congregation of the Mission. Organized by the General Curia, the event...